What you should expect from your employer
For a redundancy to be fair in law, your employer must have a genuine redundancy situation and must follow a fair procedure.
This procedure includes a meaningful and reasonable consultation period, an objective selection criteria, consideration of suitable alternative employment and redundancy must be the last reasonable resort.
If you have less than two years’ service, you are not entitled to redundancy pay.

If you have more than two years’ service, the level of redundancy pay you are entitled to receive is based on a formula referring to your age, length of service and weekly pay.
There should also be an opportunity for you to appeal if you disagree with your employers actions.

How we can help you
Redundancy procedures can be stressful and upsetting, both during the process itself and when dealing with the aftermath, especially if you feel you have been treated unfairly.
It’s not uncommon for people to keep their ‘at risk’ situation a secret and find themselves struggling with self doubt and other anxieties.
Before they realise, it’s almost too late to do anything. Act now.
As employment law and HR specialists we can help you either challenge the decision or get the best outcome you can which might be a fair settlement agreement.
- We can help you prepare for consultation meetings to ensure you are treated fairly and are given the chance to ask the right questions.
- We can help negotiate the right redundancy package to ensure you are receiving the best possible financial outcome.
- We can help map your options if you’re not happy with the outcome of the redundancy process, including advising on whether to bring a Tribunal claim if we feel that is the best option for you.
Still not sure about the Redundancy Process?
Don’t feel like you have to go it alone. Let’s talk and see how we can help you.
Why people choose Astute Lawyers
If you’re facing the uncertainty of redundancy, you’ve come to the right place.
The fact that we have successfully represented both sides of this challenge gives us an advantage. We have a unique insight into the arguments and tactics from both directions and we have successfully supported many people like you to get a resolution that is right for you.
Whether you want to challenge the decision of just ensure you’re getting the best deal, Our 4 Stage Resolution Approach will help you get there.