You don’t have to sign
Whether you are leaving on amicable terms or for stressful reasons, settlement agreements are usually a much quicker and less stressful way to resolve a dispute with your employer. It’s also more flexible than the kind of terms an Employment Tribunal can get you.
That doesn’t mean you just have to take what they have offered.
We always start with the circumstances that resulted in this situation and whether it makes sense for you to sign or seek an alternative resolution.

Even though the employer drafts the agreement, you do have a choice about whether you want to commit to the terms and restrictions your employer wants. At the end of the day, it’s a two way business agreement.

Don’t forget – your employer pays
Your employer will pay for you to get an independent legal review of your settlement agreement because it is in their best interest to make sure you understand what you are signing.
As far as we are concerned, we are appointed to help you make the best decision and we will make sure you understand exactly what the agreement means financially and what rights you may be giving up to get what they have offered.
Why people choose Astute Lawyers
People come to Astute because we are known for being commercially savvy. It’s a business agreement, after all.
Getting the best possible result for you now and for your future in work is what matters. With that in mind…
We will make sure your choices and implications are clear – settlement agreements are often the best solution to a dispute, but if your circumstances mean you would be better bringing a tribunal claim, we’ll tell you.

We will advise you the best way to get a fair deal and how to structure the agreement in the most tax efficient way. If we don’t think you’re getting the best deal, we’ll help you negotiate over potential issues such as severance pay, payment in lieu, notice periods, deferred awards, share option schemes and bonus plans, and any restrictions on gaining alternative employment.
If you’re not happy with the deal, then we will explain how to pursue an alternative outcome so you can get the resolution that’s right for you.