What you need to know
An employee who has completed 2 years of service has the right to raise a claim if they feel they have been unfairly dismissed.
A dismissal would be deemed unfair unless you can show that the reason or principal reason for dismissal was for one of the five potentially fair reasons which are:
- capability or qualifications
- conduct
- redundancy
- breach of a statutory duty or restriction
- Some Other Substantial Reason (“SOSR”)

Dismissals should only happen for one of the 5 valid and fair reasons and a proper dismissal procedure should be followed.
If either of those things didn’t happen, then your employee may well have a case for unfair dismissal. Substantiating these things is where it becomes important to get it right with professional help.

The difference between unfair and constructive dismissal
Constructive dismissal claims are more complex.
They occur when your employee feels that you have made their working life so difficult that they have no option but to leave, and that you have effectively dismissed them.
These cases can be difficult to prove but can still be quite high risk so it is very important that you seek advice before taking any steps to rebuff such a claim.
Why people choose Astute Lawyers
Your employee may well have already engaged a no-win-no-fee lawyer to represent them so it is vital that you get robust legal support to help you get all the facts clear and the supporting documentation together.
The fact that we have successfully represented both sides of this challenge gives us an advantage. We have a unique insight into the arguments and tactics from both directions and we have successfully supported many companies in situations like this.
Don’t take chances with your company’s reputation.

Our 4 Stage Resolution Approach will help you get the result you want.