Redundancy Law in a Nutshell
Redundancy is a legitimate business strategy when there is no longer a requirement for employees to do certain work. Typical reasons could include a downturn in business or a business restructure.
Any employee with less than two years’ service, is not entitled to redundancy pay. For those with more than two years, the level of statutory redundancy pay is based on a formula referring to their age, length of service and weekly pay.
Most redundancies conclude with a settlement agreement that offers a fair outcome for the business and the employee.

Getting it right.
Depending on personality type, people experience different levels of stress that come with difficult redundancy decisions and it’s also easy to make mistakes in the process.
There are five critical steps you must follow:
- a meaningful and reasonable consultation period,
- an objective selection criteria,
- consideration of suitable alternative employment within the company
- redundancy must be the last reasonable resort.
- at risk people should be given an opportunity to appeal
If you want redundancies to be dealt with in a clear and empathic manner and as quickly and as cost effectively as possible, we can help you achieve this. With our help you can avoid the pitfalls and have an objective guide to help you through this challenging process.
Why people choose Astute Lawyers
The fact that we have successfully represented both sides of this challenge, gives us an advantage. We have a unique insight into the emotions and issues from both directions and we have successfully supported many companies through the redundancy process.
Most redundancies will conclude with a fair and amicable settlement agreement that we can help you structure and negotiate. Getting there is where the skill is required.
We are confident that our fixed price Redundancy Service will give you the best outcome.